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Winterize your Wintex

If you are done soil sampling until next spring, it is a good habit to fully service your Wintex and Honda motor, while sampling season is still fresh in your mind.

Keep it Clean: The first step should be to thoroughly clean the Wintex and take care of routine maintenance items. If using a pressure washer, just be careful around any electrical components.

Fully service the Honda Engine.  The Honda owner’s manual has a detailed section on maintenance and off-season storage. What we like to do is change the oil, change the fuel filter, fill the gas tank, and use a fuel stabilizer. An oil change is especially important when it comes to winterizing small engines, as old oil can contain small contaminates that can be corrosive to the system if left sitting for a long period.

Service Your Wintex: Refer to our service videos and bulletins for more information on Wintex Service Videos.

We have been busy adding new short videos all the time for things like the Annual Hydraulic service and changing the probe on Wintex. View all our videos here: Support – Wintex Agro Canada | Automatic Probe Soil Samplers

Order Parts: Parts – Wintex Agro Canada | Automatic Probe Soil Samplers and use the search option on the left.


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