Category: Products

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Come and learn how you can start using Application/Spray drones on your operation.

A great day to ask questions and learn more about regulations, and how you can use an application drone today.

Please call us for information and to RSVP

519-343-5454 ext. 101


or send us an email to

Ag Business & Crop is pleased to become a certified service centre for DJI Ag-Drones. We are pleased to be able to bring application drones to Canada, as a DJI dealer. Felix Weber (CEO) is a member of a working Group on regulations, and technical working information. Stayed tuned

The University of Guelph has developed a method for precisely aligning aerial imagery over time with plot boundaries, that are fixed and do not vary from image to image. Plot extraction from aerial imagery: A precision agriculture approach (

A Mennonite neighbour of mine operates a small engine business. He services a lot of small engines from different equipment, and he commented recently that the most common issues he sees in problems with the motor could have been avoided by regular service according to the owner’s manual. The Honda gas engine on the Wintex is a commercial quality motor that can provide many years of reliable, trouble-free service. Refer to your owners manual for scheduled maintenance including these items

  • Changing the engine oil at first 20 hrs and then every 6 mths or 100 hrs
  • Air filter service/replace
  • Clean sediment cup
  • Spark plug replace yearly or 300 hours
  • Drain fuel or use a fuel stabilizer. Check if the fuel tank is clean
  • Service fuel filter
  • The Start recoil is in good condition & operates smoothly

Contact if you need a copy of the Honda owners [...]

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