The Power of Soil Testing

The Power of Soil Testing

Today’s high crop yields are demanding more from our soils than ever before. Modern genetics and improved crop management through practices like 4R are driving better nutrient use efficiency and returns. However, with big yields comes bigger crop removals, and basing 2021 crop needs on historical averages may not be enough. Soil test surveys in Eastern Canada have shown soil test P & K levels have moved declined particularly for potash. ( Soil test surveys in Western Canada reveal significant declines in soil test P levels in many areas

The impact high yields have on succeeding crops will depend on the current state of soil test values, and the variability in test values across a field.  High field averages don’t reveal problem areas with an imbalance or below critical level; limiting yield. Felix Weber, Ag Business & Crop, puts it this way “Fertilizing without consistent soil testing is like driving [...]

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